I - Operating entity
The entity operating the Licenses is VIN-INFO sp. z o.o. with its registered office at Modelarska 18, Katowice 40-142, using the KRS number
0000348800 with a share capital of PLN
65.000 and NIP number PL6342735908, e-
mail address support@vin-info.com, hereinafter
referred to as VIN-INFO.
II - Definitions
- Website - a website belonging to VIN-INFO,
located at vin-info.pl, vin-info.com
- VIN Report - a collection of information
about the vehicle from the VIN-INFO databases and partners cooperating with
- Free VIN Check - a page on the Website
where are shown VIN Reports available for
- Licensor - VIN-INFO, which is the service
provider of the Website.
- Expiry Date - a date determining the time
at which the License will expire.
- License Value - the amount specified in
currency allowing purchase of the VIN
- Bonus - the value expressed as a
percentage awarded, which is calculated on
the basis of the formula "License Value +
Bonus = License Value"
- License - the right to use the Website
under the conditions set out in these
License Regulations. Each license consists
of an Expiry Date and a License Value.
- License Code - a special license code that
allows you to use the VIN Report.
Counterparty - a natural person conducting
business activity or a legal person being a
party to the transaction.
- Pro-forma - a document that is not an
accounting document is issued to the
Partner for information on the details of the
transaction and a request for payment.
- License Fee - a fee paid by the Contractor
for VIN-INFO in exchange for granting the
III - License Terms
- The license is granted to the Conterparty after making the License Fee in accordance with Annex No. 1 - Price List based on the issued Pro-forma invoice.
- The pro-forma form is issued in accordance with the Counterparty's order for the amount and data indicated by the Counterparty.
- The Licensor has the right to grant the Counterparty a special Bonus, which is granted only in special cases and through individual negotiations with the Counterparty.
- The license is assigned together with the license code to the Counterparty within a maximum of 5 business days after the payments are credited to the VIN-INFO account. The License Code may be delivered via e-mail to the address indicated by the Counterparty or by a traditional letter to the address indicated by the Counterparty.
- The Counterparty is responsible for the security of the License Code. VIN-INFO is not responsible for loss or transfer the license to third parties.
- The license or the License Code cannot be exchanged for cash in whole or even in a part and cannot be returned.
IV - License conditions
- The License Code can only be used on the VIN-INFO Website.
- How to use the License Code:
- Go to the Website page designated by the Licensor,
- enter the 17-digit VIN number of the vehicle on the Website and make a check,
- on the Free VIN Check page select the VIN Reports you are interested in,
- The License Code should be entered in the place marked "Discount Code",
- after correct verification of the License Code, the final value to be paid will be reduced.
- The License Code may be used repeatedly until the License Value is expired.
- The License Code may be used only in the currency in which it was purchased.
- The License Code may not be transferred to unauthorized persons.
- The License Code is valid from the moment of its transfer to the Counterparty.
- The License Code loses its validity on the day marked on the License as the Expiry Date.
- The unused funds from the License Code specified in the License Value are forfeited once the License Expiry Date expires.
- The Licensor may, at the express request of the Counterparty, transfer funds from the expired License to the newly purchased License. Transferring funds is not possible after 14 calendar days dividing the expiry of the old License Expiration Date and the purchase of a new License.
- The use of the License and License Code is not mandatory, in which case you should not enter the License Code on the Free VIN Check page
V - Complaints
- All complaints regarding defects of purchased VIN Reports will be considered under the conditions set out in the Website Regulations.
- In case of identified defects in the License, please contact our service department on the Contact page.
VI - Final provisions
- In the event of changes to these License Regulations, orders are carried out on the basis of the License Regulations in the version applicable on the date of order.
- All issues not provided for in these License Regulations are governed by the Website Regulations and Polish law.
- The Regulations have been in force since October 20, 2017
Attachement no 1 - Pricing
Amount of License Code in EUR |
License validity |
100 EUR |
1 months |
200 EUR |
3 months |
500 EUR |
12 months |